High Altitude Payload Gen-I

Launch Date: August 21, 2023

The first-generation flight computer and RF payload, sent to 27km in altitude and retrieved 250km from the launch site. Throughout the test, both the Avionics OBC and RF Module maintained operation and a communication link through the entire flight. Ultimately, the project served to test custom hardware that will become the flight controllers and transmission modules for SFU Rocketry's lander and suborbital rocket.

Avionics OBC:

  • A custom on-board computer (OBC) designed to evaluate flight tracking and control algorithms.

  • Included a simple microcontroller that would interface with on-board sensors, log data, and control the RF module to transmit logged data and receive commands.

  • Included a GPS, IMU, temperature and humidity sensors, flash memory modules, and a payload chain cut-down mechanism.

  • Included high-efficiency power converters to allow the use of small-capacity (lightweight) batteries.

  • Performed basic sensor fusion between positional sensors.

RF Communication Module:

  • A custom LoRa-based transceiver used to establish a communication link between the payload and our various ground stations.

  • Included a custom-designed front-end module made up of power amplifiers, filters, low-noise amplifiers, and RF switches.

  • Allowed for evaluation of PCB coplanar waveguides, link budgets, impedance matching at port ends, port S parameters, etc using VNAs and other RF equipment.

Tracking UI:

  • A user interface was developed to plot the location of the payload using received position data packets.

Directional Helical Antenna:

  • A 900MHz directional helical antenna for the ground station was designed and constructed, with testing and implementation of the antenna scheduled for the second-generation project (Summer 2024).

Insulative Enclosure:

  • An extremely lightweight and robust thermally insulated enclosure was built to contain the payload system.

  • Total payload weight ~1200g.


LRE Gen-II | Ablatives Engine


Liquid Rocket Engine Gen-I